Blog Introduction Templates: 10 Easy Ways to Start a Blog Post that Doesn’t Suck
Ah, the blog post introduction. It’s one hell of a tall order.
Too boring or cliche and your reader will — at best — skip over it and — at worst — will click away from the article entirely.
Get it right and you’ve built rapport with your reader, showed off brand voice, and provided an interesting summary that shows them they’re getting exactly the info they were searching for (ergo longer read times and less bounce rate).
I’ve written a lot of them and, if you’re still reading this, I kinda know what I’m doing.
So here’s the deal:
I dissected over 100+ blog posts I’ve written to find similarities in my published writings and create these “introduction formulas” below.
Add them to your swipe file, make them yours, and get your articles done faster.
AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)
Attention [audience descriptor]! [Begin to describe or introduce the interesting topic of the post.] [Describe why it’s important to the reader.] Keep reading to find out about [topic].
So you’re one of the many Los Angeles singles who puts time and effort into your career, optimizing your physical health, and cultivating a life that’s perfect for you. So let me ask you this: why haven’t you put the same amount of effort into optimizing your dating life?
If you’ve tried all the apps out there only to be let down time and time again, wondering where you’ll find that diamond in the rough—without wasting precious time and loads of money—it may be that you simply haven’t found an efficient way of dating or you may be secretly closing off on love without even knowing it!
2. Call Out a Status Quo
Have you heard of / I bet you’ve heard that [status quo]. Turns out, [status quo] isn’t actually [what it’s known to be]. That’s because [introduce the reason or study that calls out the status quo.] This shows us it’s important to [list things or give an overview of what you’ll discuss in the post] so you don’t [list a pain point or what they’re doing wrong by following the status quo].
Turns out, beauty sleep isn’t just an excuse to hit the hay early—it’s a core step in any anti-aging skincare routine. That’s because as you unwind after a busy day, your skin, too, is powering down into regeneration mode.
So just what is beauty sleep, anyway, when it comes to your skin? While achieving those coveted eight hours of shut-eye may at times seem like a pipe dream, it’s the combination of a restorative evening routine and restful sleep that are key to waking up to a youthful, radiant complexion. Let’s look at the process your skin goes through at night and while asleep, and what you can do to aid it along the way.
When a sales rep wins, they assume it’s due to their expertise, persuasiveness, and high-level performance. And that's fair enough. Everyone knows they’re busy trying to meet quota.
But what happens when a sale is lost? It’s easy to blame a million different things—from marketing to the customer to the price. But how many of these sales reps know one way or the other? Or even the sales leaders, for that matter?
It’s vital to take a step back and analyze what, in fact, lost (or won) the deal in the first place. Discovering such actionable insights will help not just the rep but the entire team learn how to more successfully and efficiently pull prospects through the pipeline.
While that may be easier said than done, we have a place to start. Here are seven of the biggest sales mistakes reps make that may deter, stall and even lose deals in the middle of a sales cycle.
3. The Magic of Three
[Paint the picture with three scenarios that will resonate with the topic and audience A.] Or [add three scenarios that resonate with topic and audience B]. [Thought-provoking question to bring them back into the present.] [Now introduce the topic in a natural way.] Today we’re talking about [topic] and [benefits] Here are the x best ideas for [topic] and [how you can incorporate it into [relatable scenario.].
An untidy house, packed lunches, school appointments, and special occasions filling your calendar. Sound familiar? Or perhaps it’s work deadlines, squeezing in the gym before dinner, and yet another person asking for a quick meeting over coffee (that won’t turn out to be so quick). You do this every day, every week, month in and month out, without asking for anything in return. But let us ask you this: When was the last time you put your needs before your professional and domestic responsibilities?
Today we’re talking about self-care—not the trendy term titled for taking more bubble baths and taking vitamins. As anyone who’s experienced burning the candle at both ends can understand, self-care means taking action to preserve or improve your mental and physical health. So with a new decade around the corner, here are our best ideas for well-rounded self-care to include in your new year's resolutions.
A boost of energy, a sense of gratitude, a bright idea—what wonderful sensations we feel when we invest a few minutes to self-care. It’s normal to dismiss the notion, thinking there is no time to spare for yourself. In fact, most moms report they are too busy looking after their loved ones to take care of themselves.
While that may feel like the right thing to do, busy moms who practice self-care help their children witness and internalize what it means to be healthy inside and out. Even with just a couple minutes a day, the investment creates a more balanced, present version of yourself—radiating centeredness to all those around you.
4. As a Matter of Fact
[Colloquial reason why you’re discussing this trending topic or industry.] In fact, [reputible statistic to prove why it’s a trending topic or industry]. Think about it: [one to three reasons why it’s true that you’ll discuss further in-depth within the article]. Let’s dive into that!
Online dating has steadily been on the rise; and with the year 2020 making it an almost must-have for making connections, having a dating app (or two, or three) on your phone is now the new norm. In fact, the online dating audience is said to grow to 37.5 million in 2023, according to Statistica. So while finding the best dating app services in Los Angeles is needed, it’s also an utter minefield. It’s true: not only is LA one of the largest cities in the US (more people, more problems), it’s a breed entirely of its own. Here are a few of the main reasons apps may be making your dating life miserable (but don’t worry! We have the perfect remedy below).
Avocados have become an American staple. Our appetite for the avocado has grown exponentially since 2000 and for good reason. They’re one of the tastiest, most versatile superfoods out there. From toast to burritos and everything in between, we love adding this creamy fruit to our meals. Avocados are loaded with healthy fats and other nutrients (hello, vitamins B, C, E and K!) so you can indulge in this green buttery goodness without the guilt. Besides how great they are when consumed, avocados have a ton of great benefits when used on your skin, hair and nails.
5. PAS - Problem, Agitation, Solution
[State the problem as a question or use detail to set the problem in a scene.] [Create the scene or continue the scene in detail to “agitate” the problem and help your reader feel you understand their struggle.] [Let them know how you will solve their problem in the article.]
With Christmas around the corner, every channel and streaming service from the ‘burbs of Idaho to the North Pole is playing Hallmark movies. They’re cheesy, they’re fun, but they’re also very unrealistic.
The writers dream up these scenarios, understanding perfectly well they’re pulling at the heartstrings of the entire singledom.
In fact, the Hallmark channel has the formula down to a science. And we go back to watch every variation ever made.
Don’t get me wrong—I love a feel-good film. The heart of these movies tells us that love triumphs over all and Christmas is about more than presents and prestige.
But after years of helping match (real-life) couples, I see how easy it is to compare oneself to a Christmas rom-com only to be left disappointed when your own love life doesn’t stack up.
Here are some of the common tropes from Christmas-themed movies and Hallmark films that are way off base.
6. “In Reality” Formula
In theory, [topic or keyword] is the ultimate goal in life. [Explain more in detail why it’s so lovely or luxurious.] But in reality, Here’s how to make sure you [quickly explain how they’ll succeed at doing the topic thanks to this blog post.]
Working from home is the dream—in theory: meaningful mornings, extra long yoga sessions, more time for your personal growth readings, and family dinners. In reality, each day is filled with valleys and peaks, on a journey for little ways to jolt the day away from those plentiful plateaus. Whether it’s a case for creativity, productivity, or just a way to keep the whole family on track, here are Maison Ito's best ways to ensure you continue to look and feel great while navigating the new home office lifestyle.
7. The “From to” Formula
From [example related to topic] to [another example], [discuss a well-known factoid about the topic.] [Add one more interesting sentence about the topic to set the scene.] [Use a transition and let the audience know what they will learn in the blog post.]
From acupuncture to cupping, traditional Chinese medicine has brought us many alternative therapies we still love today. One of our absolute favorites? Gua Sha, or “scraping.” It brings fresh blood to the surface with an easy-to-follow technique that utilizes semi-precious stones, such as Bian stone, jade or rose quartz.
While traditional Gua Sha performed on the body can cause minor bruising (which encourages the skin to heal itself), facial Gua Sha strokes are slow and gentle. This makes it a comforting self-care ritual anyone with a few spare minutes can tackle. Join us as we break down the 5 reasons to love this ancient ritual, ranging from its depuffing to contouring effects.
From greasy street food to cheap hotel soap, travel shakes up all the good habits that keep your skin happy and healthy. In fact, the flight alone is the biggest skin stressor, causing the body to lose up to 1.5 liters of water on barely a three-hour flight. Factor in long-haul journeys combined with varying weather and environmental changes, and your skin is exposed to mega dehydration before you’ve even checked into your first hotel.
If you notice annoying breakouts and flaky dry skin that only seem to appear when you travel, you’ll want to pinpoint the cause. Here are the main reasons why your complexion freaks out and how to best prepare and care for it while traveling.
8. The “Positive to the Negative” Formula
[Keyword or topic] is [describe it in your own words.] [Go into more detail as to why it’s important to the reader.] But with/because of [reason why it’s not always perfect], it can lead to/it can cause [pain point for the audience.] Luckily, [thing or reason why there is a solution.]
A beard is a unique symbol of masculinity—and your beard is a distinctive part of you. How you sport your beard says a lot about your personality, and while you can play with the length, style, and shape, there is nothing more attractive than simply prioritizing a clean and healthy beard. But with endless itchiness, irritating stubble, dry skin, and patchiness, caring for your beard has seemed more like a chore above all else. But it’s time to break away from those conventional beard oils that you stroke into your growing unruliness—a professional beard massage is the new deluxe key to sporting well-maintained facial hair with ease.
9. Make My Life Easy Approach
[Set up the scene, too busy to do X]. But [if you don’t do it X, Y may happen, and as a result Z may happen]. That’s why [explain how the solution/topic you are discussing will help the reader.]
As evening falls and drenches your home with the dreamy semi-darkness, tackling an entire skincare routine at night may be the last thing you want to do, especially after a long day. Or, on the other hand, you may find yourself tempted by an elaborate routine du jour, hoping that the more you pile on the products the more benefits your skin will reap. But here’s the hot gossip: your skin can only absorb so much. And if products aren’t used in the correct order, they’re not absorbed to their full capacity, rendering them less effective. That’s why it’s less about adding a multitude of products and more about a simple yet full-optimized, layered routine you can tackle night after night without fail.
10. Tell a Story
This one doesn’t come with a formula because stories are unique to the individual. But here’s a tip to make your storytelling more persuasive and powerful: use “en media res.” That means starting in the middle of the action.
To get there, simply write out your story without editing. You’ll notice the first few sentences are usually placeholder texts or something of the “fluff” variety. That’s normal. We all need a few minutes to ramp up and get into the juicy parts.
So once you’re done, go back in and delete those sentences. You’ll find a much more punchy introduction.
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