4 Steps To Define Your Brand Voice, Featured on Create & Cultivate
Do you have a certain name for your followers – such as “posse,” “magic makers,” or “insiders?” Do you love shortening the word “business” to the ever-so-punchier “biz?” How about insisting your checkout page says “add to bag” over “add to cart?” If you’ve answered yes to any of these, you already have the makings of a verbal identity – aka brand voice. But if that’s not you and you’re looking to define your brand voice, don’t fret!
Read this blog post at Create & Cultivate
Head over there to learn:
What is a brand voice and why does it matter?
How to use the W.I.L.D framework to codify voice
How to survey your audience and do competitor research to speak to your ideal clients
Read this blog post at Create & Cultivate
If you need a copywriter and brand voice expert to get you there, get in touch today.

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